

情緒病測試 - 性格测试

If you have an uncontrollable mood, take a Bipolar Test and this mental health app will help you discover if your symptoms are similar to those for bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression.Take a Bipolar Test for an indication as to whether y

考试焦虑 - 心理测试

Do you worry too much? Do your emotions interfere with everyday life and you feel constant fear? Take Anxiety Test and find out if you have anxiety symptoms.Discover whether you experience some symptoms of anxiety disorder with our 5 minute Anxiety T

情商测试 - 心理测试

How Emotionally Intelligent Are You? Emotional Intelligence Test reveals the truth!Have you ever wondered what Emotional Intelligence is? Emotional intelligence (EI) or emotional quotient (EQ) is the capacity of individuals to recognize their own and

fast typing game : 测试你的写作速度

“Fast Typing Game” 是一款测试和提高你的写作速度(打字)和精确度的游戏,同时玩得开心!原理很简单,你有正确的60秒时间来正确地写出出现的单词,而不会出现任何错误。您的打字速度(每分钟字数)显示在每个部分的末尾,只计算没有任何错误的文字。通过在社交媒体上分享您的最佳分数,