
Ameco微学院(ACC:Aviation Cloud College of Ameco)是由Ameco航空技术培训部主导建设的一款多端融合、多系统兼容的综合性云端学习平台和生产力效率提升工具。Ameco微学院建设的目标,旨在借助于智能终端,建立起以能力提升为导向的、快捷便利的线上学习平台。通过不断扩充的“

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現在不管是雲端遠距上課或是用 PPT 做簡報,我們發明了更好的方法,把大家同步到相同的資訊上。只要三步驟。第一步:上傳 PPT ,第二步:取得 Q 講堂代碼,第三步:聽眾與講者輸入Q 講堂代碼。您立刻就可以享受台上台下簡報同步的功能,還可以點名及即時測驗統計。QLecture 是您上課或做

aerosim checkride a320

The Aerosim Checkride A320 for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch provides pilots with a self-study tool to help prepare for the oral exam and checkride through an educational cockpit experience.  Checkride provides cockpit panel information ensuring accur

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This an application that has many frequently asked ECE Interview questions with answers. Gathered from numerous sources including real interviews. Great for both an interviewer to quickly come up with questions. Great for brushing up technical interv

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Using a question-and-answer format, Airline Transport Pilot Checkride lists the questions most likely to be asked by examiners during the last step in the pilot certification process – the Practical Exam – and provides succinct, ready responses. Pi

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The Aerosim Checkride CRJ200 for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch provides pilots with a self-study tool to help prepare for the oral exam and checkride through an educational cockpit experience.  Checkride provides cockpit panel information ensuring acc

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The Aerosim Checkride B737NG for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch provides pilots with a self-study tool to help prepare for the oral exam and checkride through an educational cockpit experience.  Checkride provides cockpit panel information ensuring acc


“ECNUP外语”系列——中国英语教育史上具有持久生命力的一套听力教材由华东师范大学出版社从八十年代初版的《英语听力入门》(Step by Step,张民伦等合编),到十年前《英语听力入门3000》的出版,始终坚持以学生视角策划编写,精挑细选听力素材,选编与时俱进的热点话题。 全新的《