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1950年代初期,收集篮球卡的爱好激增了。 这项运动被认为是一种民族消遣,男孩们在天堂交易并垂涎他们最喜欢的球员的牌。 每个人都有一个独特的故事,说明如何以及何时获得它,对所有者的意义,以及如何将这些藏品传给后代的问题。体育纪念品是随时间演变的利基爱好。在我们的应用

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HSK Vocabulary for Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (Chinese Proficiency Test, 汉语水平考试).• HSK Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are available with In App Purchase)• Chinese word in Simplified and Traditional form, pinyin and English definitio

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Offline Hungarian-Japanese Dictionary viewer. You can download 70,000 word dictionary via Internet without charge.Offline magyar-japán szótár program. Tudod letölt 70.000 szót szótárt az interneten keresztül díjmentesen.オフラインのハンガリ


Introducing Akṣara, a compact and refreshing app to get you familiar with the elusive Indic scripts at your fingertips.In Akṣara, you can:• View the Brāhmī alphabet in Latin and Devanāgarī• Learn the corresponding variants in India’s major o

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The application basically equips a driver with all the necessary information regarding the trip and its allocated students, needed for a well planned journey. Upon start up, the application will automatically navigate to detailed view of next upcomin



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Use the Carroll University Events app to find out what events are happening and find out how you can get involved on campus! • Sort by campus organizations hosting events• Find events tagged with your favorite activities• Add events to your calen