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Great news girls! We are happy to offer you a unique app on the market - a hijab and makeup montage maker! Welcome to our extravagant beauty salon! Here you'll easily become a makeup artist in just a few clicks! You can play with your look the way yo
云盘保险箱 - 锁住私密照片保险箱
云盘保险箱使用军用级加密保护你的私密照片和视频,并将其存储在云端硬盘中,通过密码,触控ID和面容ID进行锁定。云盘保险箱旨在保护您的隐私。照片和视频经过AES256加密,并存储在OneDrive,Google Drive或Dropbox中,我们仅托管照片的密钥,因此它非常非常安全。特征:-加密照片和视频